About us
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us.
For more information, please email us at: matoacabandboosters@gmail.com
Executive Board 2018-2019
President - Paula Spenser
Vice-President - Angela Kinker
Treasurer - Paul Bickford
Secretary - Vacant
Way & Means - Vacant
Member At-Large - Vacant
The Matoaca High School Band Boosters
Who are we? ​
The boosters are all individuals that want to support our the Band Department at Matoaca High School. It consists of a 6 member executive board, with the Band Director as the ​an ad hoc and school liaison.
What is our purpose?
As stated by our by-laws, we have three main goals.
To support activities of participants in the music programs.
To support the policies of the Band Director(s) and the Administration of Matoaca High School, as they apply to the school’s band program.
To provide financial support, through fundraisers, for activities as voted on by
the Boosters Organization.